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What Dog Breed Should I Get: Test & Suggestions !!


Dogs are called “man’s best friend” for a reason: they are the funniest, cutest and friendliest pets ever! But with hundreds of breeds to choose from, which one is just right for and your lifestyle?

In this post, we'll provide you with test and suggestions to help you figure out the best dog breed that would perfectly suit you and your needs. Let's find out!

Dog Breeds Test


People tend to pick dogs who look like them. Thus, you may need to ask yourself the following questions:

1. What kind of home do you have?
  • Small apartment
  • House, no yard
  • A house, with yard
2. Which of the following phrases best describe what you're looking for in a dog?
  • A cuddle friend
  • Sporty, high-energy dog
  • Family-friendly dog
  • A loyal companion
  • An agility wiz
  • None of these apply
  • Note sure yet
3. What size dog are you interested in?
  • Tiny
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Not important
4. How energetic do you want your new dog to be?
  • A sprinter
  • A jogger
  • A couch potato
  • Not important
5. How much do you exercise?
  • Frequently
  • Occasionally
  • Never
6. Which age-group do you belong?
  • 10 and under
  • 10-15
  • 16-20
  •  20-25
  •  25+
7. How much training would you like to do?
  • Basic obedience
  • Advanced obedience
8. How much does fur bother you?
  • I'm oblivious to it
  • I don't mind a little fur
  • I can't stand picking fur off my clothes or furniture
9. Do you have other pets or plan to have one?
  • Yes
  • No

10. What kind of weather you live in?
  • Hot climate
  • Cold climate 
11. Are you allergic to dogs?

- Yes
- No

 Your Recommended Dog Breeds


Here is a complete guide to finding the right canine companion based on your lifestyle and personality.

1. Family Dogs


If you need a family dog, Labrador and Golden retriever are completely unbeatable! They just love children, playful, and are generally easygoing.

If you need a smaller canine companion with the same characteristic, don’t think much, beagle and French Bulldog are the best options.

2. Guard Dogs


Do you want your pooch to look after your family and home? Then you should consider getting a Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, or German Shepherd.

These powerful, brave, and loyal pups will make you feel safe and offer you a lifetime of love and affection. 

3. Athletic Dogs


If you are a lover of the outdoors and lead an athletic lifestyle, you should probably consider a Pointer or a Setter; they have athleticism built and bred into their genetics.

If you need something smaller, you can go for Jack Russel Terrier or Poodle; they are great running and cycling partners but relatively smaller. 

4. Non-shedding Dogs


In fact, all dogs shed. But, if you cannot deal with tumbleweeds of dog hair around your clothes or furniture, then Afghan Hound and Portuguese Water Dog might be the answer to your puppy prayers. All that is needed is little care beyond the occasional brushing.

5. Dog Breeds for Busy Singles


Dogs are one of the most popular social, loving animals that enjoy being with their owners, but some breeds are more fit for the home alone life. Think about getting a Shar Pei or a Basset Hound if you are a busy single who won’t be spending much time at home. 

These breeds are affectionate who enjoys spending time with their pet parent and doesn't require constant socializing.

6. Dogs for Seniors


That's right, dogs are great companions for those in their golden years; they don't only provide them with unmatched friendship, but can also help boosting their physical and mental health. Boston Terrier, Pug, or a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are good options for you if you’re retired and have decided to welcome a dog into your home.

These breeds don't require several hours of exercise, and they are very playful and highly affectionate.

Large dogs won’t fit though because they are very active and always busy, which may not fit into your schedule.

7. Lap Dogs


If you’re looking for a furry cuddle buddy who will always shares your affinity for hanging out on the couch, a French Bulldog or a Maltese are your perfect fit. 

They are very friendly and won’t need too much extra space—except in your heart, of course.

8. Dogs for Apartments


Finding the the perfect dog breed to share your apartment space with you can seem very challenging. But this is the territory where a Yorkshire Terrier or Bulldog would fill exactly the roll you want. The best part about these breeds is that they can live quietly and happily in a smaller space.

9. Dogs for Multi-Pet Households


A multi-pet household demands breeds that won't mind sharing the home with other pets whether it's a combination of dogs-dogs, cats-dogs, or cat-dogs-birds-etc. A good option for you would be Retrievers, Collies, and Spaniel. These breeds are always happy to have company to play with.

10. Dogs Tolerating Hot Weather


Breeds that prefer a hotter climate normally have a body structure that is better suited for hot temperatures and not only the right kind of coat. Dogs that fair best in warm temperatures are Terriers, American Water Spaniel or Great Dane. 

Like large breed dogs, Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua feel much more comfortable in warm, sunny climates.

11. Dogs Tolerating Cold Weather


If you live in cool climates or you're a fun of cold-weather, you must consider dog breeds that have a higher tolerance for low temperatures. For these types of breed, Malamute, Husky, or Samoyed are the best option. These breeds have a long thick coat and fur and smaller ears that resist frostbite, along with extra body fat.

12. Dogs for Newbie (trainable)


If you’re thinking about becoming a dog owner, it is safe to begin with lovable, affectionate and gentle dog breeds. Labradors, Border Collie, or a poodle are better dogs for beginners since they are cute, very intelligent and straightforward to train even by newbie.

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