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Top 10 Proven Signs Your Dog Actually Loves You, According to Veterinarians


Thousands of dog owners wonder if their dogs truly love them or just the food. Well, though they can't put their love into words, our four-legged friends shower us with devotion in plenty of surprising ways. So, how can we really tell?? Let’s take a closer look at this top 10 proven signs your dog really does love you for more than a fresh bag of kibble and a walk in the park.

1. Your Dog Raises His Eyebrows and Show His Tongue

According to a research published in Scientific Reports journal, dogs - when they saw their owners and when they saw a stranger - evolve special facial anatomy; when they saw their owners, dogs stick out their tongue at the same time as they raise their eyebrows. Meanwhile, the stranger just got an ear lift, a sign of doggie caution. Rebecca Greenstein, veterinarian and medical advisor for Rover, explained that this adorable expression is thought to induce feelings of care and nurturing in their human companions. What’s more, your dog use this tactic to make better eye contact and make those good chemicals that bond the two of you.

2. Your Dog Yawns When You Yawn

A body of research shows that yawning when you see another person yawn is a sign of empathy. In similar veins, Dr. Brian Hare, author of the book The Genius of Dogs, assumes that dogs who yawn when their owners do are more emotionally connected to them. Accordingly, a study conducted by University of Tokyo found that 70 percent of dogs they studied yawned after watching their owners yawn. And this contagious yawning is believed to be a way for dogs to show empathy with their fellow yawner, says Teresa Romero.

3. Your Dog Gives You Puppy Eyes

You're not imagining it. The famous puppy dog eyes expression is a look of love. Brian Hare, author of the The Genius of Dogs, says that when your dog looks your right in the eyes and holds eye contact without their pupils getting bigger, your bodies make a chemical called oxytocin that causes the two of you to bond.

4. Your Dog Rubs His Face on You

When your dog is feeling especially loving towards you, they’ll butt their nose with you, Sara Ochoa, veterinarian and veterinary consultant for DogLab, says. In fact, dogs have scent glands in their faces, so it’s reasonable to assume that dogs who rub their human companinons are marking them as theirs.

5. Your Dog Shares His Favorite Toys With You

Some experts say that when dogs bring you things like toys, their lead, and collar, or clothing, it might actually be a way of displaying affection and happiness. Dr Hannah Godfrey claims that this cute little behavior is a legacy of their wolf ancestors who brought the fruits of the hunt to the alpha dog to show their loyalty. So, the next time your precious pup gives you his treasured items, take it as a reminder that he’s truly giving you, his beloved pack leader, a gift and that he wants to please you.

6. Your Dog Follows You Everywhere

Yes, a dog that follows you everywhere - including use the bathroom - means that he trusts and loves you and that you make him feel safe. According to Scott, a dog who loves you feels the need to keep you in his line of vision.

7. Your Dog Snuggles as Close as Possible to You

The fact that your dog is willing to snuggle with you even if you’re doing a tricky yoga position on the floor, or trying to write a piece on deadline is their way of saying that they love and trust you. To know that a dog has strong feelings of affection towards you, he will want to be close to you all the time, said Dr. Gail Clark, a canine behavioral psychologist. What’s more, science has shown that dogs as pack animals, can not get enough of the company of their human, the pack leader, once they feel affectionate and non-threatened by them.

8. Your Dog Cuddles With You After Mealtime

All dog parents know how much dogs love food, but if your dog cuddles with you after he finishes his last bite of food in his bowl, it’s a good sign that other than eating, you're the most important thing in the world to him, writes Gregory Berns in his book "How Dogs Love Us". He adds, it’s as if he’s saying, "Thank you, that was a really good meal".

9. Your Dog Wakes You up

If your dog wakes up in the morning, he's just sending you the message that he is never happier than when he's with you. A study by the Mayo Clinic showed that people with dogs are actually more likely to get to work on time than those who do not. As creatures of habit, your dog will learn your schedule and make sure you stick to it.

10. Your Dog Goes Crazy When You Arrive Home

You probably don’t need to be an animal behaviorist to know that a dog who does the happy dog dance the moment you walk through the door after work considers you the center of his universe. And they will reassure you that they love you too by jumping on you, licking your face, and definitely wagging their tail.

In a nutshell, there are plenty of scientific ways you can tell that your your fur child loves you or trusts you, so keep feeling the love.

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