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12 Human Foods That Are Actually Healthy and Safe for Your Dog - Everything You Need to Know


Although we, dog owners, try to keep our dogs on their canine diets, we feed them a little human food from time to time which can wreak havoc on a dog’s body!

However, many of the foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that people eat can be introduced to a dog’s diet just fine, and even provide important nutrients and health benefits such as joint strength, better breath, and allergy immunity.

But before giving your dog foods that you crave, let’s explore the best human food for dogs that are safe and healthy for our canine friends to eat! And always be mindful that even people foods that are safe for dogs, they should generally only eat in them moderation.

1. Rice

As one of the most common ingredients vets often recommend for dogs with an upset stomach, Rice is the first on our list of best human food for dogs.

Both cooked, plain white or brown rice are good for dogs, as it is easy to digest, helps bind stool and quick to prepare. As a favorite starchy food for many canines, rice also serves as an important source of vitamins and a good source of energy.

Whatever option you choose to feed your dog, it should only be part of a varied diet that offers all the nutrients your dog needs.

2. Peanut Butter

Another healthy and safe human food for dogs to eat in moderate amounts is Peanut Butter.

What’s more, peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, healthful fats, vitamin E and B, and niacin.  

However, be sure to choose raw, unsalted peanut butter. Read the label carefully to be sure that you’re not using sugar-free or “lite” peanut butter with artificial sweeteners, particularly xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

3. Pumpkin

The third-most-healthy human food for dogs on our list is pumpkin. 

This beloved fall treat is a great source of fiber, potassium, beta carotene and vitamin A. A member of the squash family, pumpkin can help keep the GI tract moving as well as aid with digestive issues, providing relief from both diarrhea and constipation.

Fresh pumpkin and pumpkin flesh, as well as canned pumpkin without added sugars, ingredients, or fillers, make excellent dog treats as long as served plain with no added sweeteners or fillers.

4. Carrots

Carrots are a healthful human food for dogs to snack on, both raw and cooked.

Carrots are low in calories and a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which is beneficial for a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat.

Before feeding carrots to your dog, It is important to slice them into small bite-size pieces to help prevent choking.

5. Green Beans 

Green beans are not only safe human food for dogs, but veterinarians also recommend them as a healthy treat.

Green beans are an important source of protein and also contain calcium, vitamin K and iron.

Plain green beans, chopped, steamed, raw, or canned, are a good, healthful snack for dogs since they are filling and low in calories.

6. Apples 

Sliced apples are safe and healthy for dogs to eat.

Apples provide significant amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants. Also, they’re chock full of fiber, especially in the peels, which may benefit your dog’s digestive system.

This low-calorie sweet crispy fruit makes a healthy addition to supplement your dog’s diet.

And remember, you should always remove the seeds before feeding apples to your dog.

7. Eggs 

Eggs make excellent treats or dietary supplements for dogs as long as they are fully cooked. 

In addition to being high in protein, vitamins, and fatty acids, eggs can also help an upset stomach. 

However, it is important to note that you should avoid feeding raw egg whites to your dog, as it can contribute to biotin deficiency.

8. Fish 

Salmon, shrimp, and tuna are all safe and healthy human food for your dog to eat and are often included in commercial dog food as an alternative protein source.

Fish contains good amounts of protein, is relatively low in saturated fats, and is easily digestible, giving your dog a nice health boost.

And always be sure to feed your dog fully cooked and cooled without any additional oils and seasonings, as uncooked fish can contain harmful parasites.

9. Chicken 

As one of the most common ingredients used in pet food, chicken is an excellent source of protein and omega-6 fatty acids, which your dog needs to stay healthy.

Additionally, if you’re in a pinch and out of dog food, cooked chicken - with no seasoning - also makes a healthy meal replacement. However, it is important to only feed boneless chicken to help prevent a choking hazard.

10. Turkey 

Turkey is fine for dogs to eat, but it should be plain and unseasoned.

Overall, the bird is touted as rich in nutrients like protein, riboflavin, and phosphorous.

Be sure to remove excess fat and skin from the meat before giving cooked turkey to a dog, as too much fat can cause pancreas issues in dogs. Don’t forget to check for bones; poultry bones, especially cooked poultry bones, are brittle.

11. Oatmeal 

As with all the above foods, oatmeal is generally a perfect human food for dogs to eat for both its versatility and potential health benefits. 

Oats are rich in fiber and contain a plethora of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants that can benefit a dog in a variety of ways.

Cooked oatmeal is especially beneficial to senior dogs with bowel irregularity issues, Because it is a great source of soluble fiber. Not to mention, a fabulous alternate grain for dogs that may be sensitive to wheat or grains.

Although oats are a great source of nutrients, keep in mind that you should cook it before serving to your dog and select only oatmeal that has no added sugar or flavor additives.

12. Dairy products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and plain yogurt, are perfectly acceptable snack for dogs to have as long as it's given in moderation.

Since dogs have low levels of lactose - a digestive enzyme that breaks down the sugars in milk - eating too much dairy can cause digestive problems. 

If your individual dog can't tolerate lactose (their guts cannot digest), try to avoid feeding them dairy products. The symptoms of lactose intolerance typically involve diarrhea or vomiting after consuming anything that contains dairy.


This is just a short list of human food that are healthy and safe for our canine friends. 

Remember to feed these foods in small amounts when you first introduce them to your dog’s diet even if they're deemed “safe” for dogs to eat, so to help prevent weight gain and other negative effects. 

What is your dog’s favorite human food? Share it with us in the comments.

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