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The Best Homemade Shampoo for Dogs' Sensitive Skin [OATMEAL ANTI-ALLERGIC DOG SHAMPOO]


When it comes to bathing your dog, it’s important to use shampoos that are good for their skin.

While many commercial dog shampoos do a good job, to be honest, it’s hard to know what they are truly made with. So, it's always a good idea to craft your own homemade dog shampoo to avoid these nasty ingredients and make organic, safe, and wholesome shampoos for your dog's skin!

There are plenty of homemade dog shampoo for sensitive skin, but we have laid out a great allergy dog shampoo below that's easier and cheaper and work rather well for all kinds of dogs.

We have really enjoyed this oatmeal dog shampoo for our pup, as it's made from all-natural materials that may already be in your pantry, and if not, they’re easy to find, such as baking soda, vinegar, essential oils, honey and water.



  • Oatmeal: 1 cup
  • Baking soda: 1 cup
  • Essential oil: 20 drops (lemon, lavender, or other smell you enjoy)
  • Honey: 1 tablespoon
  • Water: 1½ cups


Step 1 

First thing you need to do is to grind the oatmeal until its texture is like that of flour (I always use a food processor).

Step 2

Next, pick a bowl and mix in together oatmeal, baking soda and essential oils. While stirring, slowly add water until it becomes a slushy mix, immediately add honey and stir well.

Step 3

Make sure you rinse your dog well when bathing. After that, go ahead and apply shampoo generously and mix into fur well. At this point, remember that the shampoo should be left for about 5 minutes and then rinsed off.


To combat your dog’s sensitive skin issues, Homemade dog shampoo for sensitive skin is a good way. It is specifically devised to suit your pup's individual needs and is cheaper, especially if you have large dogs, long-haired breeds, or Labs that simply can’t resist getting dirty!

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